This blog has been relatively inactive for the past two months as I try to determine its future.

From my perspective there is and has been a great deal of hyperbole regarding “green” stocks that fundamentals such as valuation and balance sheet strength are essentially ignored.

There may always be companies with better technologies but if the price is high relative to value the chances are strong that unless you’re a very short term trader you’ll eventually have a significant loss.   While there is no perfect formula for investing, not all methodologies are created equal nor do they produce the same results in the long run.

Our methodology revolves around growth at as low a cost as reasonably possible.   Many of our investments are socially “neutral” where the investment has little or no social, environmental or humane impact.  Ideally we would all love to own a very green proactive portfolio but the volatility and risks associated with being totally proactive are simply too high.   The bottom line is you must make money for yourself in the long run hence we blend both old school fundamental analysis with environmental screening.